DIQQAT elon!

Diqqat, vakant lavozimga ishga qabul qilish uchun tanlov! 
Xatirchi tuman tibbiyot birlashmasida ishga qabul qilish boʼyicha ochiq mustaqil tanlov oʼtkaziladi. Tanlov 2024 yil 12 oktabr kuni soat 13:00 da tuman markaziy shifoxonasi majlislar zalida boʼlib oʼtadi. Vrachlik, hamshiralik hamda tozabon mutaxassisligiga ega boʼlgan barcha hohlovchilar mazkur ochiq mustaqil tanlovda ishtirok etishlari mumkin.Tanlov Mehnat kodeksi hamda Sogʼliqni saqlash vazirligining 2022 yil 25 fevraldagi 66-sonli buyrugʼi bilan tasdiqlangan Nizom talablariga muvofiq tashkillanadi.
☎️Tanlov jarayonlari yuzasidan murojaatlar uchun telefon - 93-435-2888, (79) 544-4221 

2024 yil 5 sentabr


Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Card Readings - Explore your destiny with personalized insights


Palmistry - Discover your true self through the lines of your palms

Aura Cleansing

Aura Cleansing - Restore balance and harmony to your being

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are your psychic readings?

Our psychic readings are known for their accuracy and insightful guidance. Many clients have found our readings to be incredibly helpful in navigating life's challenges.

What can I expect during a psychic reading?

During a psychic reading, you can expect to receive personalized insights and guidance on various aspects of your life, including relationships, career, and personal growth.

How often should I have a psychic reading?

The frequency of psychic readings varies depending on your individual needs and goals. Some clients benefit from regular readings, while others prefer to schedule sessions as needed.

“The psychic reading I received was incredibly accurate and insightful. I left feeling empowered and ready to take on whatever challenges life throws my way.”

[John Doe]

Contact us

Reach out to us today to schedule your personalized psychic reading and unlock the secrets of your destiny.


Xatirchi tuman tibbiyot birlashmasi
Samarkand, Uzbekistan

About us

Xatirchi tuman tibbiyot birlashmasi is a leading psychic service provider located in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Our team of experienced psychics is dedicated to helping individuals find clarity and insight on their spiritual journey. With a focus on accuracy and empowerment, we strive to provide transformative experiences for our clients.